When using your home treadmill you want to make sure you are doing so safely. There is no point in a workout routine if you get hurt. You need to make sure you are not over exerting yourself in your workouts. It is also important that you exercise within your safe range to ensure you will not hurt yourself. You do not want to over exert yourself; this defeats the whole purpose of exercising. Make sure you know what your safe range is when you are using your home treadmill . Many machines can now help you find this to ensure your safety.
I recently have taken a liking to the phrase "Just take it step by step." It is generally sound advice and particularly so when venturing into the realm of physical fitness. The current trend in having treadmill at home prompts a few safety tips from a professional body builder.
Pace yourself and try to make the exercise as fun and enjoyable as possible. Since it takes approximately twenty minutes to burn fat, you might as well get into a nice steady groove, with the idea being to work up to twenty minutes and beyond on the home treadmill alone. Sure, sprinting will get you up to your anaerobic threshold quicker; still, the old adage "Slow and steady wins the race" applies well in this case.
The next step is to find your cardiovascular exercise range. There is an accepted formula for determining the safe range for your personal physical exertion. The zone is calculated to give a maximum benefit for time and effort exerted. And you can do the calculation with your doctor or trainer - maximum heart-rate, age, weight and sex are taken into consideration.
The more modern the more sophisticated the fitness features of treadmill equipment and thus the more likely the equipment can calculate and monitor heart-rate and workout parameters for you.home gym equipment
Safe Speed, Incline And Endurance
When this safe range is found, I've been told that you should be able to carry on a conversation while you walk with a fast pace, jog or run on the treadmill fitness equipment. After all, it is not the speed that is paramount but rather the exertion at the raised heart-rate that gives the benefit. As well, it is not uncommon to last only five minutes initially, so don't lose hope. Dialing in a safe, comfortable speed is a good first start.
Next, many brands of treadmill equipment offer incline fitness features. An incline increases the exertion necessary within the exercise program, facilitating better endurance. Again, the suggested path is to take it slow and move ahead gradually.
Marathon Training
Only one in a hundred who venture onto treadmill fitness equipment ever contemplate running a marathon. Nevertheless, you can get a picture and get some encouragement and hope seeing everyday people participating and completing the 26.2 miles of any marathon.
Yes, it's a journey, but no one said you have to complete it the first day. With honest participation in a fitness program on treadmill equipment, more efficient heart and lung function, lower cholesterol and many other benefits will be yours. Make it a part of your life today. The best idea is to take the proper time and consideration in order to ensure that you are making the best decision for own personal needs and preferences.