
treadmill doctor who is professional

he Treadmill Doctor website is a considered a leading authority on all things related to buying home treadmill.  The Doctor is based in the US and in addition to providing consumers with helpful tips for buying a treadmill, it offers a range of fitness equipment products and services.  If you want advice on choosing a treadmill that's best for your workout needs, then you'll find loads of treadmill reviews on this site, allowing you to make treadmill brand comparisons from the comfort of your home. Do you want to know more about us.

The Doctor uses an objective system to evaluate the best rated treadmills, with the aim of helping buyers make an informed choice.  Using an online treadmill buying guide or a consumer report rating treadmills is a useful way to find out more about the running machines available to buy.  Buyers can compare features such as the size of the running deck, the incline and speed capabilities, as well as comparing the level of warranty offered on the treadmill motor and parts. So could you save some time to have a look about our home fitness equipment

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Loads of handy tips about buying and maintaining a home treadmill can be found online.  The Doctor website is a great source of information on all aspects of owning a tread mill and gives its best buy ratings to the brands that perform the best.  Smooth treadmills are tipped as a buyers favorite, offering a well designed affordable option to runners on a budget.  Treadmill ratings cover all the well known brands in every price range, including Keys, Proform and True treadmills.  See what tips you can pick up!

When I first saw the title "Treadmill Doctor" on the Internet, I have to admit I was a bit puzzled. Was it a doctor for sick treadmills? A health guru who treated patients using treadmills? I really couldn't imagine someone telling their clients "Empty your mind. Now step onto the Treadmill of the World and gaze at the pretty green display..." Getting weird here.

When it comes to treadmill reviews, perhaps only one other recommendation is as feared and revered as Consumer Reports -- that of the Treadmill Doctor. Claiming to receive as many as 15,000 unique visits a day and up to 3 million per year, this family-run business in WILD, has developed a name for itself with a huge boost from the Internet's viral power and a great choice in company names. Here ,could you please go to our website and see our treadmill doctor .

With this clout in mind, had a chat with the Doctor to lay out how the company goes about its reviews -- just as we did 18 months ago with Consumer Reports, Consumer Guide and Consumers Digest. Consumer Guide and Consumers Digest: Magazine differences explained.")
"We really started doing the reviews about eight years ago as a hook to drive traffic to our site so we could sell parts and accessories such as racks and mats," said, co-founder along with his brother Clark, both of whom started in the industry doing repairs for a local dealer while in high school. "I'm not sure how much clout we really have but the reviews have done what they were intended to do: Drive traffic and increase our brand name. At the same time, we may have helped someone find the treadmill that is right for them, and that's not a bad thing.
