ProForm Treadmills are probably the most popular treadmills currently available in the market.
These treadmills are great for people who love to walk or jog. They are fairly inexpensive. It is important to note however that they are recommended for low intensity workouts. Based on a variety of reports, it's fair to say that if you're looking for an affordable starter treadmill this brand may be a good beginning of your treadmill experience. But, if you're an experienced runner, you're better off buying a more expensive treadmill, as it is possible you will not be fully satisfied with this particular model. Simply put, this brand is probably not for you.
These treadmills are designed and created by the largest manufacturer and marketer of exercise equipment in the world, Icon Health and Fitness. This company has over four thousand eight hundred employees and ten manufacturing facilities in the United States, Canada and China.
As a matter of fact, it is this company that manufactured the treadmill that revolutionized the treadmill industry. They manufactured the now world-famous SpaceSaver(R) fold-away design treadmill. This treadmill allows you to fold it for storage, making it easy to store in small places such as the closet or under the bed. It also features a drop shock that slowly lowers the treadmill deck after it has been folded for storage.if you want to know more about us .so would u please see our home gym equipment.
home treadmill equipment Home GYM equipment Home treadmill Home fitness equipment Treadmills Treadmill equipmentCurrently, ProForm probably has the widest range of treadmills in the market today. Most of them are very well priced, from the simple ones in the just under $500 price range to the more advanced ones in the $1500 price range.
Proform has many different models of its equipment. The most advanced include ProForm Perspective ES (equipped with a 7" flat-screen television, sound system, 28 personal trainer workouts, Interplay Music port, etc.), ProForm 750 (equipped with I Fit fitness, universal marathon training features, adjustable cushioning, etc.), and ProForm 7.5 Distance Trainer (equipped with premium sound system, universal and with WILD fitness journal).
Interestingly, the biggest known fallback of ProForm is that most of the equipment has a very short, ninety day to be exact, warranty. to this is the fact that these treadmills are also known to have some problems with their durability. Go figure.
All in all, Proform treadmills make good entry level machines. But please make sure you are fully aware of the warranty, quality and durability when purchasing one of these machines. Make sure you gained enough information before you buy. Knowing what you're getting yourself into will hopefully help you avoid any possible disappointments when purchasing this treadmill.
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