The Difference between Home Treadmills . Health Club Treadmills
A treadmill for commercial use must stand constant daily usage. Generally they are built like a tank. A treadmill for home use is a whole different story. Rather than running for 10 hours a day, it may only get used several hours a week. These are just a few guidelines that are important when purchasing a home treadmill. Buying the right treadmill now will prevent you from have to buy again in the near future.
How Much to Spend for a Home Treadmill?
A good treadmill is not cheap. Most people do not know what a home treadmill cost. They may have seen the Icon treadmills in Wal-Mart for several hundreds dollars and have the conception that is what is a starting price. Wrong!
Treadmills are machines that if used regularly, take an excessive beating. That's why if you want a home treadmill that will last; you're going to need to shovel out a few bucks. I would recommend for a good walking treadmill that withstand regular use, you start somewhere in the $500 range.
On the other hand, you don't need to spend $1000 on a home treadmill that you will use occasionally for walking. Unless you have an obsession for big, expensive toys.
How Will You Use the Home Treadmill?
Exercise Bike equipment Spinning bike equipment Stepper equipment Home GYM Ellipticals equipmentAre you training for a marathon, or do you like to casually walk? The difference can mean a couple of thousand dollars in cost.
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